miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Racism against AfroColombians

The racism is the intolerance of another race just for being another race that dont have any sense. And those people who are racist make others people life a hell, 76% of the AfroColombians live in poverty because racist prefer to give a job to a person of their same race and deny to an AfroColombian.
Another huge injustice is that the  just 2% of the AfroColombians can go to college so its obvious that the illiteracy its 3 more times bigger than other races and again 3 more times the mortality than other races.
But the bright its that other people and other races take care about them and in any act of discrimation, so we need to take part of that protects the rights of all people, doesnt matter the race of that person. we are here to protect everyone around us.
everyone deserve a good treatment.

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Hi, I´m Luis Ernesto Parra Beltrán, a student of mechanical engineering, I´m from Barranquilla, Colombia, 
I´m 15 years old